You are reading the State of New Jersey Job Descriptions. This is not a Job Vacancy Announcement.

Job Specification 05071



                         ALL JURISDICTIONS


 Under a supervisory officer, does general carpentry work involved
 in  the layout, construction, repair and maintenance of buildings
 and   of   household,  office,  and  institution  equipment   and
 furnishing: does other related duties as required.

 NOTE: The  examples of work for this title are for illustrative
 purposes  only.  A particular position using this title  may  not
 perform all duties listed in this job specification.  Conversely,
 all duties performed on the job may not be listed.


 Repairs broken and malfunctioning furniture, doors, window  cords
 and  sashes,  venetian blinds, screens, locks, glass  panes,  and
 other  types  of equipment, and makes and installs window  frames
 and  sashes,  screens, trim, doors, flooring, siding,  sheathing,
 stairs, railing,  porches, cabinets, and simple furniture.

 Constructs  and repairs buildings and structures, making  use  of
 any   appropriate  wood joints such as dovetail, miter,  mortise,
 and tenon.

 Builds   bookcases,  cabinets,  tables,  fan  brackets,   stands,
 screens, partitions, and other types of equipment.

 Makes various types of rafter cuts; lays out and cuts stair horse
 stringers;  erects scaffolding; constructs and installs  cribbing
 and form for concrete; sets and operates a variety of woodworking
 machines including power saws and attachments, planers, jointers,
 sanders, electric drills, and routers.

 Makes emergency carpentry repairs.

 Instructs  inmates and/or patients in carpentry work and  ensures
 their safety, custody, and work progress.

 Builds and makes repairs to special truck bodies.

 Makes time and materials estimates.

 Makes reports of personnel, time supplies, and work completed.

 Maintains records.

 In  the  Department of Human Services, may be required to undergo
 fire training classes.

 May  be  required to learn to utilize various types of electronic
 and/or  manual  recording and information  systems  used  by  the
 agency, office, or related units.



            Three  (3)  years  of  experience  in  carpentry  work
 involving  the  layout, construction, repair, and maintenance  of
 buildings and office equipment and furnishings.


      Appointee  will  be required to possess a  driver's  license
 valid   in New Jersey only if the operation of a vehicle,  rather
 than  employee   mobility, is necessary to perform the  essential
 duties of the position.


   Knowledge  of  the problems involved in inspecting,  repairing,
 constructing  and maintaining buildings, furniture,  ventilators,
 window  cords sashes, screens, locks, and other equipment.

 Ability  to  analyze carpentry work, organize work,  and  develop
 work methods.

 Ability to carry out directions.

    Ability   to  make  carpentry  repairs  and  to  do  carpentry
 construction work.

 Ability to make efficient, safe use of standard carpentry   tools
 and equipment including, planers, joiners, and band and cross cut
 saws, shapers, and other specialized tools and machinery.

 Ability  to  requisition,  store, safeguard,  and  use  carpentry
 equipment, materials, and supplies.

 Ability to take safety precautions.

 Ability to prepare reports of equipment and materials used,  time
 spent, and work completed.

 Ability to maintain records.

 Ability  to  learn to utilize various types of electronic  and/or
 manual  recording  and information systems used  by  the  agency,
 office, or  related units.

 Ability  to  read,  write, speak, understand, or  communicate  in
 English  sufficiently  to perform the duties  of  this  position.
 American   Sign  Language or Braille may also  be  considered  as
 acceptable forms of  communication.

 Persons  with  mental or physical disabilities  are  eligible  as
 long as they can perform the essential functions of the job after
 reasonable accommodation is made to their known limitations.   If
 the   accommodation  cannot be made because it  would  cause  the
 employer undue  hardship, such persons may not be eligible.

 CODES: 15/C14-41122 (35 hrs.)     RKR/jmr                 2/19/82
        15/C16-51652 (40 hrs.)
        LG - 00970




 Under  direction, performs all general masonry work  involved  in
 the  maintenance  and  construction of block,  stone,  and  brick
 structures;  constructs  and repairs concrete  structures;  works
 with various machine  and hand tools common to the masonry trade;
 may  prepare or work from sketches, plans, and specifications  in
 accord with the building code or accepted trade practices;  takes
 the lead over and gives suitable assignments to those assigned as
 helpers; does other related duties as required.

 NOTE: The  examples of work for this title are for illustrative
 purposes  only.  A particular position using this title  may  not
 perform all duties listed in this job specification.  Conversely,
 all duties performed on the job may not be listed.


 Constructs  block,  stone, and brick walls,  manholes,  chimneys,
 columns, partitions, and other structures by establishing  grade,
 setting  lines,  constructing forms, determining  and  mixing  or
 supervising  the mixing of cement or mortar, pouring footings  or
 foundation, and laying block, stone, and brick.

 Erects  or  supervises the erection of scaffolding and ramps  and
 finishing of joints.

 Builds  or  lays concrete structures such as sidewalks,  porches,
 stairs,  and floors by laying out and setting forms, establishing
 pitch,  preparing base, mixing concrete, pouring,  and  finishing
 the surface.

 Points  brickwork or stone structures; patches plaster or  stucco
 walls  and  ceilings,  and  repairs cracked  or  broken  concrete

 Uses  trowels,  joiners,  edgers, chisels,  levels,  plumb  bobs,
 vibrators, and concrete mixers.

 Mixes cement mortar, lime, and lime mortar.

 Slakes lime and tempers mortar.

 May  prepare or work from sketches, plans, and specifications  in
 accord with the building code or approved trade practices.

 Makes time and materials estimates.

 Inspects work in progress and completed work.

 Gives suitable assignments to helpers.

 Keeps needed records.

 May  be  required  to  learn  to utilize  various  types  of
 electronic  and/or manual recording and information  systems
 used by the agency,  office, or related units.



      Three (3) years of experience in masonry work involving
 a    variety  of  tasks  in  brick,  stone,  and  brickwork,
 plastering, and general concrete work.


      Appointees  will  be  required to  possess  a  driver's
 license   valid  in New Jersey only if the  operation  of  a
 vehicle,  rather  than employee mobility,  is  necessary  to
 perform essential duties of the  position.


 Knowledge of problems involved in masonry work.

 Knowledge  of standard tools, materials, methods, practices,
 occupational hazards, and safety precautions.

 Knowledge of keeping necessary records.

 Ability  to  understand, remember, and carry  out  oral  and
 written directions.

 Ability to take needed safety precautions in performing  the

 Ability   to  obtain,  store,  safeguard,  distribute,   and
 properly use needed equipment, materials, and supplies.

 Ability  to  give suitable assignments and to establish  and
 maintain needed records and files.

 Ability  to  learn  to utilize various types  of  electronic
 and/or  manual recording and information systems used by the
 agency, office, or  related units.

 Ability to read, write, speak, understand, or communicate in
 English sufficiently to perform the duties of this position.
 American Sign Language or Braille may also be considered  as
 acceptable forms of  communication.

 Persons with mental or physical disabilities are eligible as
 long as they can perform the essential functions of the  job
 after   reasonable  accommodation is  made  to  their  known
 limitations.   If the  accommodation cannot be made  because
 it  would  cause the employer undue  hardship, such  persons
 may not be eligible.

 CODES: LG-02420                RKR/jmr                  9/30/94


 This  dual  title job specification is for local  government  use